Friday, December 29, 2006

Siaming the bulge
after the festive season?

This has been a year of compensation. Been making up for the lost time over the past couple of years in terms of hanging out with friends, participating in sports, but most of all eating a whole lot of junk as though I were sentanced to hang tomorrow and each meal were my last. Funny thing is we are always advised to spend each day as though it were our last. I'm probably eating as if there were no tomorrow. Perhaps that's just my way of exposing my taste buds and digestive juices to the delicacies before I start putting an end to my rampage for food, and seriously (and I mean really seriously) go on a diet.

Compensating for starving myself in the past, or for religiously depriving myself of Char Kuay Teow or Hokkien mee? I don't know. All I know is that my discipline has waned and my resolve has vanished. Perhaps it's time to start thinking of my future--I can't fit into four pairs of trousers at this rate I'll never meet my target of donning them on again! Somehow, that little voice in me just keeps goading me on to eat more and think less: "no hurry, just put on something billowy. Besides, I'm not dying to find a date anyway!"

All the times of ordering Yong Tau Foo, soup only no mee, has gone down the drain. The religious fast from french fries and McFlurry has been sacredly violated. Good thing or a bad thing? Good thing is it's only right that my taste buds not be discrimated from those of my fellow Singaporeans--they should be given some favourable treatment shouldn't they. I mean, I should learn to enjoy life ya? Bad thing is that it's getting harder to find clothes to wear in the morning, and I definitely don't have enough esteem to put on all the spagetti tops I bought in the prime of my figure!

Another bad thing? My heart's been pounding hard and rapidly. With so much talk about cardiac arrests and marathoners losing their lives on the road (imagine 1 in 50 000 in the US, die during a marathon of heart problems!)My health has taken a toil. This so-called stress reaction has accompanied me for a year now--more frequent nowadays. It leaves me kind of breathless too. In addition, my digestion has been giving me some discomfort. The stomach has probably been overworked badly.

For health and for the practical reasons of getting back into those four trousers...AND losing that additional 4 kg plus I've put on this year (thanks to all the tea breaks, conferences, and office bingeing), I have to resolve myself to achieving a new balance in my life--eating right and eating less. This will be the first resolution. I've got to take care of my health and be responsible with my body. So that means getting back on track with gym, eating healthily (no more snacking out in the kitchen at night!), and seeking help for my heart.

How to siam the bulge after stuffing yourself with turkey and ham (in case some of you were conned into reading this entire article for tips)? Go for light chinese food like soups and porridge; wack the fruits and vege to help you get all the vits and fibre you need (these make you fuller too); go for the grain (wholegrains and wholemeal); and load up on gallons of water (water cleanses the system, and makes you fuller. Sometimes I eat too much cos' I'm thirsty not because I'm really hungry).

In a world filled with temptations--in a Singapore ridden with enticing food--eating healthily is no easy feat! It is one that requires unflinching determination and tremendous discipline. Seek the divine. He hates gluttony (one of the seven deadly sins), and so I've gotta make it a strong dislike in my life too. Weighty woes? My greatest advice would be to pray about it. God is the answer to esteem problems, health issues, and helplessness with them. Amen!

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