Saturday, October 14, 2006

What is FREEDOM?

Read an interesting article in the Straits Times today. The author was describing how he had this compulsive habit of saying "White Rabbit" every single morning. It was some kind of tradition that he was inculcated with many years ago by his mother, when he was still very young. But this habit went on for years...and it became something he had to do. To him, freedom came when he finally managed to resist the urge to say it one fine morning--and subsequently thereafter. In a nutshell, freedom for him was removing a stubborn habit.

To me, FREEDOM means being free from the shackles of obsessions with worldly things--obsessing about eating and being fat, about whether I'll be disliked at work, whether I can excel in the things I do, etc. Worries and anxieties cripple and antagonise us; they draw us away from God's omnipotence and goodness. He will bring us through and enable us to weather whatever storms we face, as long as we remember that He is in control and of course obey and trust Him.

Freedom in the bible is obtained through believing and having a relationship with Christ. It was freedom (freedom from the yoke of slavery to sin) that Christ paid the price of dying on the cross of Calvary for us. It's a freedom hard earned; one that cannot be bought with anything in this world but a devotion towards and a willingness to serve God. Thank God that He sent His son, Jesus Christ, to free us. We have liberty--we may sin but we can repent and be forgiven.

Praise God!

I want to keep myself from falling deep into the well of worries. I want confidence in Christ to see me through the troubles and challenges life brings. Amen!

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