Sunday, November 02, 2008

It's a November Sunday morning!

I woke up a little confused morning. Not that it was a Halloween hangover or something like that. Speaking of which, Halloween over here is a huge thing by the way. It was so amazing seeing adults and kids alike, so enthusiastic about getting costumes and dressing up. Till 7 p.m. on the night of October 31st, people were still walking into stores, trying to grab one for the event. It was spectacular and popular outfits this year were probably the Obama and Sarah Palin one's. I didn't notice any McCain ones, and we wonder why ;) Anyway, it was rather fascinating seeing different characters walking in the street; it really felt as though I was in some Hollywood film. There were kids carrying little pumpkins or goodie bags, going around trick or treating. We tried to catch for this annual parade, which is hugely participated and followed by people in NYC, but the enormity of the crowd that night was just a damper--being short among towering Americans wasn't helpful at the viewing of the parade which was something like our Chingay in Singapore, with floats and volunteers who dressed up and would like to join in the procession down 6th Ave from Spring Street to 14th Street. So we stayed for a while and left, but nonetheless, Halloween was an eye-opener. I had friends talking about what they'll costumes they'll be getting or dressing up in, a week before the actual event. Even my professor put on some crazy red horns and stuck a fake devil's tail at the back of his trousers for class on Friday. It was funny how he tried to use his tail as a pointer heh.

Anyway, back to the confusion this morning-Oh how I deviate a lot! Yeah, so there was supposed to be daylight savings last night. For those of us who live in Singapore and have never heard about it, it's simply everyone living in a certain region, in a unison effort to enjoy more daytime hours, setting their clock ahead by an hour near the start of spring so that we gain one more hour, and setting it back by an hour in autumn when night begins to fall earlier! Basically, it happens so that people can exploit the longer daylight hours in summer. But in close to winter, this is reversed because of reduced daylight. So the latter happened at 2 a.m. last night I think. So just to be sure, I woke up and immediately checked the world clock online. But I guess my confusion came from the fact that everything seems fine: my cell phone clock and Macbook clock all matched the world clock timing. So it seems strange that the transition was seamless, and everything automatically switched. I thought everyone had to manually do these things. Oh well, thank God for the smooth transition. Now we are officially, 13 hours behind Singapore. Okay, I think it's time to go to church now. Better stop babbling here. Period.

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