Saturday, April 07, 2007

Good Friday? I say GREAT Friday!

Yesterday was eventful! I was supposed to get baptised tomorrow on Good Friday at East Coast Beach with several other church members at around 8.30 a.m.

Lo and Behold, I got a call at 6.30 a.m. in the morning. Suspecting it was a morning call from a kind someone I arranged to give a lift to, I picked up my mobile phone and saw my colleague's name flashing on the screen and instantly I knew it was work beckoning. Immediately I took the call and she sounded apologetic about waking me up on a public holiday so early in the morning.

"Char, sorry to wake you up so early," she said sheepishly.

I was exceptionally calm. Maybe cos' it was wee hours if not usually I'll be excited when there are incidents--we don't get many in Singapore not that it's something to be jumping up for joy about. Gimme a break man...the job's still pretty new to me so the romantic notion of being "activated" for some big thing really sends my adrenaline pumping!

"Sure no problem, I can be there at seven," I replied after getting more details of the case.

"Okay, see you there at 7.15," she quickly responded.

"Alright then. See you then!" I said with relief at the extra grace time given cos' I was starting to doubt my ability to get there at the time I offered so rapidly without much thought. Hehe, thought of myself as some police woman being activated for some exciting case!

I put down the phone and called my friend to say that I won't be able to give him a ride and messaged my other friend that I've got to work and won't be able to make it for the Baptism. Then I changed into something (I thought was quite in line with my impression of the dreessing worn by a female CID ASP), grabbed my duffle bag with my change of clothes for the Baptism and my pre-packed activation kit.

Anyway, got there two minutes late eventually (didn't consider the parking time and I made a slight detour). Phew, thank God she suggested 7.15! I walked into the NPC and there was my colleague sitting down and talking to one officer. They ended their conversation and she reported everything she knew to me.

Next minute, another colleague of mine came and us three ladies discussed the case in a nice waiting room with comfy couches.

"Boss is coming later also," my first colleague informed. Yep, he's always so ready to respond; so passionate about his work!

There I sat on the couch as we were waiting and I got an SMS from my friend from church suggesting whether I could go for the baptism instead and hand my work over to my colleagues. I stiffened up and mulled over the options. At that moment, the dilemma struck me. How should I honour God in this situation? Work or God? Was this a test of my priorities?

So I weighed out everything:
  • This is my first formal activation as a new psych
  • I was on the duty roster; it's my responsibility
  • It's not as if I'm going back to office to do filing or paperwork
  • I'm rendering help


  • It IS my Baptism day--something which I've been holding off so long cos' of my stupid pride and rationalisation (1. was baptised as a baby in Catholic church; 2. I've been in church for so long now and I'm much older than the other youths being baptised)
  • It was a step of obedience to go for Baptism, was I going to back-out?
  • There were three other people who could clearly manage the situation
  • I already showed face anyway, not that I shrugged my duties
  • Told my colleagues and they did assure me that it was alright to go

My pride got the better of me. I refused to relinquish my role there and then.

"Nah it's okay, I can don't go for Baptism," I swiftly declined after they said it was okay for me to go. My mind was still doing the permutations. I looked at my clock and decided to make a decision 10 minutes later after praying to God for wisdom on what to do.

Ten minutes passed. There was an unsual calm and peaceful feeling in my heart--the power of prayer. I called my pastor when I slipped out to get some brochures from the kit in my car.

"I was about to call you," he said when he heard my voice. I explained my situation.

"No problem, I understand. You do your work," he assured me.

"Pastor, I will try my best to some after my work. Think I might be able to make it".

"Okay, you can come before 1 p.m. We'll be here (at East Coast) till then".

At that moment, that knot in my mind disentangled. I knew I would be able to reach a win-win situation. I could even go to the hospital to visit the casualty before going for Baptism. God was gracious. He not only allowed me to do my work, but also enabled me to get baptised. Praise God! I never expected that but with a simple prayer and weighing all the options and deciding based on what I believe is right, all went well! He is awesome and amazing isn't He!

It was a dilemma. But it was one where two important priorities clash and a choice had to be made. Though I chose work initially, I knew I could do it guilt free after much rationalising but I eventually called my pastor and left it up to God to decide for me and He did. That saved me from a guilt trip and brought me to that win-win situation. God was my priority and I should honour Him, so I prayed. Isn't it great when you try your best to put Him first.

Everything ended at 10 a.m., giving me sufficient time to drive down to East Coast. Thank God it was also more convenient to go from the hospital compared to my house. Reached there and was welcomed by a warm and familiar crowd. My church members started asking why I was so late and I had to repeat my account several times. I got changed and went for the immersion into the sea after prayer after giving a short testimony in front of everyone. I shared how my prideful nature prevented me from getting Baptised earlier. It was a quick Baptism and I got out amidst the singing of my church people. People came over to congratulate me and extend some hugs despite my wet attire. I felt so touched!

Subsequently, we played games and had loads of fun just participating as a youth team. Later on, I went home and got some chores done--ironing, sweeping, etc. Really felt so productive that day! Then I got prepared for PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Got free tickets from my uncle--very blessed!

When I went over to my cousin's place to meet them and set off for the show, both gals looked decked out so glamourously for the night. There I was dumbstrucked (but I hid it well), I was so underdressed! Apparently, these free tickets come with a pre-show cocktail and desserts during the interval. The reception was attended by some pretty rich people and there was free-flow on wine and drinks. Felt so bad about being so underdressed! Oh well, it wasn't so bad. Singaporeans are kinda casual and some of the people who attended the cocktail weren't so formally attired. Anyway, the cocktail was so cool! The food was nice and the service was top-notch. We got goodie bags with the programme booklet for free too! That was such a huge blessing for me cos' I wasn't intending to buy tickets to watch the show. My cousing actually told me that my uncle had an additional free ticket and the people who were invited to take it weren't able to make it so he thought of me!

The show was spectacular. Effects were superb, singing was excellent and inspiring. God, I wish I could sing so flawlessly. Loved the haunting tunes and the orchestra played so brilliantly! There was good company and I managed to catch up with my cousins before the show. What a wonderful blessing from the Lord. I really loved the show and am looking forward to watch it again next time (maybe in New York or London in a proper theatre--Esplanade was good (they can block all mobile phone reception!) but I had a neckache throughout the show). Few days back I was at "The Crystal Mirror" held at the Padang watching European acrobats perform and enjoying a four-course fine dining world class cuisine, and rubbing shoulders with directors and international performers (all free somemore!), and there I was back in the city watching Phantom. I'm such a pampered gal! God sure loves me (and of course He loves you the same). Guess His ways are mysterious but I sure am savouring all these little blessings!

Whew! Good Friday? I say it was GREAT Friday man!

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