Monday, July 10, 2006

For the Love of God!
by Ps. Heidi who misses her United States Airforce Boyfriend, Merritt...;P

Our relationship with God is much like BGRs
1. Stage One: Emotional, excited --> When you realise what God gave!
2. Stage Two: Close friends --> When you really get to know God!
3. Stage Three: Marriage --> Obedience comes out of a choice to love God.
4. Stage Four: Intimate Bond --> Partnership in furthering His kingdom on earth.

Avoid illegitimate relationships!
1. One-night Stand
- "My relationship with God doesn't have to affect my life."
2. Two-Timing Christian
- Put on a mask for God and another for others.
3. Casual-dating
- The relationship is just as deep as their emotions at the moment.

Marriage = SYNERGY
It involves strengthening each other (// two people standing back-to-back so that they can give back to society). It must be worked at. Relationships are never easy, just like our relationship with God. It takes commitment and trust. It takes discipline and effort.

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