Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I've survived the stormy days!
Finally, my PMS has lifted! Well, at least for today. Suddenly felt that sense of joy and that bundle of energy which were once so familiar return into my longing embrace! Sorry for the drama...but I can't contain that happiness. Things are starting to look bright again! Hopefully, it will sustain and see me through the next tumultuous and arduous period of completing my VIVA. It has been a long suffering source of stress!

Thanks for all your prayers, people! God had been so faithful to me. I had been suffering from abnormal heart palpitations for a while since 2004 (the darkest moments of my life--during my final year when I had to complete my thesis). The GP told me it was a stress reaction and gave me some sedating pills. Since then, they would come and go. They faded off for a while in 2005, but came back with a vengeance in 2006. When they did occur, I would feel breathless and uncomfortable. My heart would pump extra hard. But this year, during an altar call at Vivo City, Pastor Simon prayed for me and I asked for healing. Soon after, these sensations faded away slowly. For a few weeks now, they have not been occurring. Praise the Lord! It is truly His healing power that I've experienced.

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