Monday, May 22, 2006

Slept real late last night, woke up later and decided to read my bible on the train. Did so. Met a vendor today for photo ID cards, sat in for a fitness for duty session, and then went to HTA to give a counselling/suicide assessment lecture. Was nice being at HTA again. Met some old friends there--course instructors, police trainees--and made small talk with them. I really like the people--that's why I enjoy being in a uniform organisation. I think the best part was I got to know my supervisor better. Travelling there with her and going home together allowed us some time just to chat and know each other better. Found out something in common with her at lunch--she can be quite health conscious. She talked about food she doesn't eat and receipes on wholegrains stuff like mixing brown rice and white rice. She makes herself go veg once a week. My first lecture was ok. Seemed fine. Only at one point I thought they seemed bored but other than that it was ok. They asked quite a few questions with regards to counselling referrals. Glad my first class went smoothly--PRAISE GOD!

On my way home just now on the train, there were three kids running around and making noise. Observed many other passengers giving those disapproving stares but nobody did anything. I thought it was dangerous that the kids were running about and swinging around the metal poles where people grip onto on the train. I felt this cognitive dissonance just building up within me, and I finally told her to control her kids and warned her about the danger. She didn't do much, she just kept quiet and answered her friend who asked her what I said. The kids seemed to get the hint and melllowed a little. Then a lot of people came in and they couldn't run about anymore. Guess that stopped them. But I'll never know whether the lady would have really stepped in to stop the kids if they continued to create such a racket. She probably didn't like what I said, but I just did it in faith cos' it was pretty inconsiderate. And not being able to rein in the kids, or they being young children, aren't reasonable excuses for condoning their behaviour in a public place. Besides, it was dangerous.

Off to do my slides tonight. Hope everything goes well tomorrow. Having internal research conference tomorrow so have to prep my slides tonight. We're also having an office breakfast potluck tomorrow! And later in the day, we'll be watching movie also. Really like the culture. It's a great place to be--THANK GOD!

(A thought came into my mind while travelling on the train. Was thinking about how people behave when they go through break-ups. Like after they break-up, they would engage in a certain set of rituals e.g. keeping past photographs, packing away gifts from the other party or things bought together, changing passwords that contain initials, etc. Then I started thinking about the psychology of rituals. Many rituals are created by mankind--though some in the bible were God-instructed I guess--so what purpose do they serve? What's the psychology behind different ritualistic behaviours? Something interesting to study and think about.)

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