Monday, May 29, 2006

Sometimes when I worship the Lord, I'm just so reminded of how unworthy I am. However, knowing that God still chooses to accept me, love me, and bless me, simply amazes me. This is probably something that we all need to be reminded of--that we are sinners saved by God's grace. We are imperfect beings and often our pride prevents us from acknowledging this. And usually our pride is the exact source of that imperfection and sin. This song has kept ringing in my mind since yesterday's praise and worship. It's a simple and lovely song.

Saved by Grace by Susan Moore

I’m not good enough to make it on my own
I’m not good enough to wear a crown
And kneel at Your throne
But Your love has made a way
With Your blood the debt’s been paid
I’m not good enough but I’m saved by grace

Saved by grace
The greatest miracle of all
Saved by grace
The love of God
Saved by grace
Oh, there’s no other way
Than to be saved by God’s grace

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